Asociación FFA de Alaska
State Day of Service
April 15th, Kick off State Convention by serving our local communities! Previous projects have included beautification projects, packing backpacks for children in foster care, making blankets, letter-writing and visits to the Pioneer Home, and more! Stay tuned to find out this year's service project.

National FFA Convention Delegates
Alaska FFA Delegates serve a crucial function of state convention! Convention is an opportunity for members to meet and make decisions that effect the organization as a whole.
Each chapter is allowed two delegates to serve during the business sessions. These members address delegate Issue Proposals that chapters submit in an effort to better the association. Learn more HERE
If you have an idea you would like to see discussed at convention, fill out the following form and submit it through your advisor! Issue proposals are due March 15th.
Want to get some mud on your boots and learn about agriculture and natural resource industries? Talk to your advisor about attending tours during convention!
2025 Tour Location List coming soon!

Career experts, visiting state officers, and more will be presenting workshops every day of convention! Jump in and learn some new skills while meeting fellow FFA members.
2025 Workshops List coming soon!